Monday, April 24, 2023

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Experts with Edge: Jamie Lansdown

At Honan, we’re big believers in growing an exceptional brand, business and reputation through exceptional people. People with market-leading expertise, proven results and a fierce commitment to serving their clients, but also people with creative, considered points of view and a willingness to share them. These are our challenger champions - the ones who progress, lead and succeed by doing things a little differently, delivering on promise, and proving their passion through outstanding performance. In this series, we get to know them a little better; picking their brains for exclusive industry/category insights, future predictions, and the secrets behind their success.

Welcome Jamie, and thanks for joining us for Experts with Edge.  Tell us a little about yourself - what first brought you to the world of insurance, and what  roles have you held along the way?

I fell into insurance through my passion for the automotive industry when I was introduced to the head of commercial motor at Lumley/Wesfarmers back in 2008. We talked about a challenger brand Lumley was introducing into the special interest vehicle market and they asked if I had an interest in insurance. The rest is history and this year marks the 15th year of my career in insurance. The first half I have spent working for insurers, from motor/commercial motor products to property and from casualty to commercial lines products. Seven years ago I made the transition into broking and specialised in the affinity space, providing insurance programs for affinity organisations. I joined Honan at the end of 2022 as a Senior Relationship Manager working within the corporate team, focusing on client retention and client service.

You now work as a Client Manager within Honan’s Professionals division. For those that may not know, what is Professionals about and what does your role focus on?

The Professionals division consists of specialist brokers committed to providing clients with tailored insurance and risk management solutions within the Professional Services Industry. Every business is unique and we take a bespoke approach to working with the insurer market to provide our clients with the coverage to suit their specific risk exposures. A focus of my role is to continue to evolve our client service model and working closely with our brokers and clients to achieve this.

At Honan, we believe service is a combination of good design and a client centric culture. Can you tell us a little bit more about this philosophy and the way this reflects your work?

Throughout my career, I have learned the importance of being client-centric in everything I do. I have worked with businesses that have great solutions but do not prioritise the client when it comes to delivery and support. My approach to servicing clients is to make their lives easier through the whole insurance cycle by always trying to exceed their expectations. We really are with our clients all the way.

What is the #1 piece of advice you find yourself repeating to clients?

Make sure you fully understand the risks involved in running your business.

Understanding the types of risks that your business faces can help you make informed decisions about the type and level of coverage needed, as well as help you implement risk management strategies. Only then can your insurance policy give you the confidence that you’re adequately covered.

The retention of clients is at the center of our attention, partnering for the long-term and understanding their business holistically. According to you, what is key to maintaining long-lasting relationships?

I firmly believe that quick follow-ups, face-to-face interactions and genuineness are key factors in maintaining and growing a successful client relationship. I always go by the saying “If you don’t know the first name of your insurance broker you don’t have the right one”.

A quote capturing your approach to your role?

‘’There is no client meeting too early, too late, or too far!’’

When it comes to insurance, what’s one thing/myth/misnomer you wish all consumers knew?

You cannot lower your premiums by reporting lower payroll/revenue.

It’s important to always report true and correct payroll/revenue numbers because a large part of the premium is weighted on this. If this is incorrectly reported, insurance coverage can be inadequate in the event of a claim.

Fast forward to the year 2032. The insurance industry in 3 words will be…

Alive and kicking!

Honan has experienced exceptional growth over the last 5 years in particular. Honan's CEO, Andrew Fluitsma believes operational excellence by way of a commitment to service, rather than ‘sales’, has been key. What does this mean to you and the work with your clients?

Sales has a short-term goal, it’s about one-off quick wins. Service is all about long-term goals that translate into returning customers and loyalty. This is a client-centric frame of mind and a big reason I joined the team at Honan. Honan has a client-first - culture that lives and breathes from the top down. Offering personalised solutions to my clients, I don’t hesitate to go above and beyond to understand my clients’ needs and prioritise service over sales. This is what helps us build a loyal customer base that trusts and values our expertise and advice, the foundation for a long-lasting relationship with our clients.

Finally, where do you go for inspiration/energy in work &/or life?

Metal Therapy, a specialised form of CrossFit, for me is a big component of finding balance between work and life. Being able to have an hour a day to have a good gym workout helps relieve the tension of the day and gives me time to completely empty my thoughts and decompress.

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Honan Insurance Group Pty Ltd is now fully owned by Marsh Pty Ltd. To find out more, speak to your broker or read the announcement
